University Committees



Charge and Membership
The Educational Assessment Advisory Committee (EAAC) serves as an advisory committee to the Director of the Office of Educational Assessment (OEA). The EAAC serves to develop and enrich effective assessment of the student learning experience at the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ. The committee collaborates with the Director, OEA and others to ensure ongoing processes for effective assessment, including development, implementation, and maintenance of the University’s Institutional Student Learning Assessment Plan. The committee reviews and recommends a variety of assessment support resources, including those for faculty development.
The committee is chaired by the Director of the OEA, who serves as a non-voting member. Staff members are appointed based on their job positions; faculty members are elected by the Faculty Senate.

2023-2024 AAC Membership:
Ms. Aubree Armezanni, Office of Registrar, Representative
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio, Faculty Representative, PCPS,Nursing
Dr. Gerard Dumancas, Faculty Representative, CAS, Chemistry
Dr. Marian Farrell, Faculty Representative, PCPS, Nursing
Prof. Tara Hamilton Fay, Faculty Representative, CTE Faculty Coordinator
Dr. Rachel Frissell, Faculty Representative, CAS, Physics/Engineering
Dr. Satyajit Ghosh, Faculty Representative, KSOM, Economics/Finance/International Business
Dr. Robert Giambatista, Faculty Representative, KSOM, Management/Marketing/Entrepreneurship
Dr. Vanessa Jensen, Faculty Representative, PCPS, Counseling and Human Services
Dr. Emily Hopkins, Faculty Representative, CAS, Psychology
Dr. Lisa LoBasso, Director of Graduate Academics and Student Services
Dr. David Marx, Associate Provost
Dr. Rebecca Mikesell, Faculty Representative, CAS, Communication and Media
Dr. Murli Rajan, Associate Dean, KSOM
Dr. Lauren Rivera, Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students
Mr. Ray Schwenk, Assistant Dean, Assessment, Communication and Finance, PCPS
Dr. Maria Squire, Interim Associate Dean, CAS
Mr. Richard Walsh, Assistant Provost for Operations and Data Analytics Officer
Professor Donna Witek, Faculty Representative, Library, Information Literacy Coordinator
Ms. Kathryn Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Board on Rank and Tenure 2023-2024

Charge: The function of the Board on Rank and Tenure is to recommend to the President that tenure and/or promotion in rank be given or denied to a particular member of the faculty.

CAS Representatives:
Joseph Kraus English and Theatre
Maria Johnson Theology/Religious Studies
KSOM Representatives:
Douglas Boyle Accounting
Satya Chattopadhyay Management, Marketing, & Entrepreneurship
PCPS Representatives:
Marian Farrell Nursing
Renee Hakim Physical Therapy
At-Large Representatives:
Jessica Nolan Psychology
Michael Allison Political Science
Timothy Foley Chemistry
Janice Voltzow Biology
Duane Armitage Philosophy


Executive Committee
Vincent Reilly, Esq. Chair
Jacquelyn Dionne Co-Vice-Chair
Kevin O'Brien, Esq. Co-Vice Chair
Joseph Marina, S.J.
Rachele Browning
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, Ph.D.
Timothy Kacani
John Mariotti, D.M.D.
Crystal Newby, Ed.D.
Joseoph Sorbera, Jr.
J.P. Sweeney
University Personnel
Daniel Cosacchi, Ph.D. Vice President, Mission and Ministry
Robert W. Davis, Jr., Ed.D. Vice President for Student Life
Robert B. Farrell, Esq., General Counsel and University Secretary
Elizabeth Garcia, J.D. Executive Director of Equity & Diversity; Special Assistant to the President
Carl Hurst Associate Vice-President for Information Technology & CIO
Michelle Maldonado, Ph.D. Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Lauren Rivera Vice President for Student Life
Edward J. Steinmetz, C.P.A. Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Patricia Tetreault Vice President for Human Resources
Gerald C. Zaboski Senior Vice President for Office of the President
Shannon Zottola Vice President for Enrollment Management
Tara Seely Recording Secretary

Education Committee
Crystal Newby, Ed.D. Chair
Mary Collins, Ph.D., CPA
Matthew Cooper
James Cummings, M.D.
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, Ph.D.
Lisa DeNaples, D.M.D.
Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.
Ryan Maher, S.J.
Richard Malloy, S.J.
Elizabeth Murphy
Thomas Neitzke, S.J.
Anthony Yanni, M.D.
University Personnel
Michelle Maldonado, Ph.D., Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 
Cristen Walker Faculty Senate Representative
Lucy Grissinger Staff Senate Representative
Thomas Elias '24 Student Government Representative
Catherine Murphy Recording Secretary


Audit Committed
Timothy Kacani Chair
John Boken
Lisa DeNaples, D.M.D.
Anne Drucker
Ryan Maher, S.J.
Thomas Neitzke, S.J.
John Sorbera, Jr.
John Sweeney
University Personnel
Edward J. Steinmetz, C.P.A. Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Patricia L. Tetreault Vice President for Human Resources
Mary Wagner Recording Secretary


University Advancement  Committee
Jacquelyn Dionne Co-Chair
John P. Sweeney Co-Chair
John Boken
Rachele Mackin Browning
William Canny.
Joseph Collins
John Mariotti, D.M.D.
Angelo Rizzo, S.J.
Adam Rosinski, S.J.
Stephen Sandherr, Esq.
Anthony Simone
Nicole Young
University Personnel
Robert Davis, Ed.D. Vice President for University Advancement
Joseph Sorbera, III  '08 Alumni Society Advisory Board
David Reese '24 Student Government Representative
Rose Corrigan Recording Secretary


Finance Committee
Joseph Sorbera, Jr. Chair
John Boken
Mary Collins, Ph.D., CPA
Lisa DeNaples, D.M.D.
Anne Drucker
Timothy J. Kacani
Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.
Angelo Rizzo, S.J.
John Sweeney
Anthony Yanni, M.D.
University Personnel
Edward J. Steinmetz, C.P.A. Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Mary Wagner Recording Secretary


Enrollment, Management/External Affairs Committee
John Mariotti, D.M.D. Chair
William Canny
Matthew Cooper
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, Ph.D.
Richard Malloy, S.J.
Elizabeth Murphy
Thomas Neitzke, S.J.
Crystal Newby, Ph.D.
Adam Rosinski, S.J.
Stephen E. Sandherr, Esq.
Nicole Young
University Personnel
Shannon Zottola Vice President for Enrollment Management
Jerry Muir, Ph.D. Faculty Senate Representative
Rose Ann Jubinski Staff Senate Representative
Vanessa Moylan '24 Student Government Representative
Sarah Shedlauskas Recording Secretary


Governance Committee
Kevin J. O'Brien, Esq. Chair
Rachele Browning
Joseph Collins
James Cummings, M.D.
Jacquelyn Dionne, R.N.
Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.
John R. Mariotti, D.M.D.
Vincent Reilly, Esq.
Stephen E. Sandherr, Esq.
Anthong Simone
Anthony Yanni, M.D.
University Personnel
Robert B. Farrell, Esq. General Counsel
Robert Davis, Ed.D. Vice President for University Advancement
Tara M. Seely Recording Secretary


Student Life Committee
Rachele Browning Chair
Joseph Collins
Matthew Cooper
Anne Drucker
Timothy J. Kacani
Crystal Newby, Ed.D.
Angelo Rizzo, S.J.
Anthony Simone
Nicole Young
University Personnel
Lauren Rivera, J.D. Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Clara Downey '23 Student Government Representative
Simal Sami '24 Student Government Representative
Pauline Palko Recording Secretary


Misson & Identity
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, Ph.D.   Chair
William Canny
Mary Collins, Ph.D., CPA
James Cummings, M.D.
Ryan Maher, S.J.
Richard Malloy, S.J.
Elizabeth Murphy
Adam Rosinski, S.J.
Joseph Sorbera, Jr.
University Personnel
Daniel Cosacchi, S.J. Vice President for Misson and Ministry
Andrea Malia Recording Secretary

Dean's Conference

Charge:  The CAS Dean's Conference is the advisory, consultative group to the dean of the College

Dr. David Dzurec Chair
Dr. Michael Allison
Dr. W. Andrew Berger
Ms. Gina Butler
Dr. Marzia Caporale
Dr. Roy Domenico
Dr. Daniel Haggerty
Mrs. Bridget Hunter
Dr. Michael Jenkins
Dr. Maria Johnson
Dr.Christie Karpiak
Ms. MaryAnn Maslar
Dr. John Norcross
Dr. Susan Mendez
Dr. Maria Oreshkina
Prof. Richard Plishka
Ms. Bryn Schofield
Dr. Yamile Silva
Dr. Thomas Shimkus
Dr. Stacy Smulowitz
Dr. Maria Squire
Dr. Janice Voltzow
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Major Jason Wenger


Dean's Conference Curriculum Subcommittee

Charge: The committee reviews and advises the CAS Dean's Conference on matters regarding proposals for curriculum changes.

Dr. Maria Squire Chair
Prof. Stephanie DeNaples
Dr. David Dzurec
Dr. Christopher Fremaux
Dr. Michael Jenkins
Dr. Yibai Li
Dr. Susan Mendez
Prof. Richard Plishka
Dr. Andrew Venezia
Dr. Jill Warker
Dr. Joan Wasilewski


 Individualized Major Committee (2-year-term-Spring 2025)

Charge: The committee will investigate the reasonableness of developing a "customized major" program of study and to develop a proposal for such a program if their investigation so warrants.

Dr. David Dzure    Interim CAS Dean
Dr. Jessica Nolan    Social Sciences
Dr. Adam Pratt    Humanities
Dr, Robert Smith    STEM
Dr. Maria Squire    Interim CAS Associate Dean


 Pre-Law Advisory Committee

Dr. Matthew Meyer Chair
Dr. Satyajit Ghosh
Dr. Gariela Jakubowska
Prof. Bianca Moore
Ms. Lori Moran
Dr. Josh Reynolds
Dr. Robert Shaffern
Prof. John Strain
Dr. Gretchen Van Dyke



Computing Sciences Committees


Dr. Yadong Bi Chair
Prof. John Kaufman
Dr. Robert McCloskey


Colloquium Series

Prof. Paul Jackowitz Chair
Dr. Yadong Bi
Prof. John Kaufman

Graduate Program

Dr. Yadong Bi Chair
Dr. Robert McCloskey
Dr. Mark Fenner



Dr. Yadong Bi
Dr. Mark Fenner
Professor Richard Plishka Chair



Dr. Yadong Bi
Dr. Robert McCloskey Chair



Prof. John Kaufman
Professor Paul Jackowitz Chair


Internships/Senior Projects

Dr. Yaodong Bi
Prof. Paul Jackowitz
Prof. Richard Plishka Chair



Professor Paul Jackowtiz Chair
Dr. Robert McCloskey
Dr. Mark Fenner


History Program Assessment Committee

Dr. Adam Pratt
Dr. Paul Sampson


International Studies Assessment Committee

Dr. Roy Domenico
Rev. Daniel Sweeney, S.J.


 Military Science Advisory Committee
LTC Jason Wenger Chair
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. Douglas Boyle
Mrs. Gina Butler
Dr. David Dzurec
Ms. Barbara King
Ms. Lori Moran
Ms. Lauren Rivera
Ms.Bryn Schofield
Rev. Daniel Sweeney, S.J.
Ms. Stacy Urgento
Dr. Patricia Wright


Biochemistry Cell and Molecular Biology Department

BCMB Advisory Board

Dr. Ashley Driver
Dr. Timothy Foley
Dr. Bibi Khan
Dr. Amelia Randich
Dr. Joan Wasilewski    Director

Committee's Website

Mission Statement

To support the University’s “dedication to the personal development fundamental to the growth in wisdom and integrity of all who share its life,” and to meet the challenge of General Congregation 34 of the Society of Jesus “to listen carefully and courageously to the experience[s] of women” and to work in solidarity with “women in the struggle for a more just relationship between women and men,”

The CSW seeks to accomplish this mission by:

  • Raising awareness through communication with the University community regarding behaviors, actions, issues, policies, and procedures that impact the status of women;
  • Communicating and collaborating with other committees and organizations to provide support, advocacy, and information regarding women's issues;
  • Assisting the administration in identifying the concerns of women at the University that need study, and recommending ways to address the concerns of women at the University to the appropriate administrative offices

Membership 2022-2023
Don Bergman* Director of Public Safety
Melisa Gallo Clerical Staff, Weinberg Memorial Library
Madeline Gangnes, Ph.D. Faculty, English and Theatre, Women's and Gender Studies
Elizabeth Garcia* Executive Director, Office of Equity and Diversity/Title IX Coordinator
Samantha Gurn Graduate Student
Hannah Kohrn Undergraduate Student
Cara Krieg Chair,  Faculty, Biology
Pauline Palko Administrative Assistant, Dean of Students
Brandice Riccardi* Director, Jane Kopas Women's Center
Sara Serrano Undergraduate Student
* Ex Officio

Charge: The CCC is responsible for implementation and oversight of the University General Education Program.

Aubree Armezzani   Registrar Office   
Aram Balagyozyan   Faculty, KSOM
Marleen Cloutier   Faculty, Library
Jones DeRitter   Faculty, CAS
David Marx   Provost's Office
Matthew Meyer   Faculty, CAS Chair
Maria Oreshkina   Faculty, PCPS
Maria Squire   CAS Dean's Office
Mary Troy   Faculty, PCPS
Andrew Venezia   Faculty, PCPS

This Committee is presently inactive.

Charge: To lead the transformation to and sustainability of a welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and equitable campus culture characterized by respect and support for all members of the University community.  Th Council for Diversity and Inclusion examines the University's needs and makes recommendations regarding inclusive and diverse approaches, programs, practices, activities and any other goals the Council believes are necessary to create an inclusive University for students.

Elizabeth Garcia       Executive Director, OFfice of Equity and Diversity
Peter Andersen KSOM Faculty, Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Tara Hamilton Fay CAS Faculty, Biology
Ian O'Hara Library Faculty
Melissa Anyiqo CAS Faculty, History and Black Studies
Tyler Bauer Area Coordinator, Residence Life
benjamin Burman President, SAFE Student Club
Victoria Castellanos PCPS Dean
David Dzurec CAS Interim Dean
Shaefney Grays Student Life, Assistant Dean, Culture and Inclusion
Meg Hambrose Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations
Hengameh Hosseini PCPS Faculty, Health Administration and Human Resources
Theresa Pham Student Representatiave
Jose Sanchez Assistant Director, Multicultural Center
Karla Shaffer President, Student Government
Reka Shayka Interim Director, Residence Life
Matthew Smith Manager, Office of Student Support & Success

Charge: The charge of the Advisory Group is to be advisory to the Manager of the OSSS, Manager of the CTE, and Coordinator of the CTE  to ensure that the mandates of the Center and Office is achieved and maintained.


Dr. Marian Farrell    Faculty Liaison to the CTE/OSSS
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin
Prof. Tara Hamilton-Fay
Dr. Robert Giambatista
Prof. Bonnie Markowski
Dr. David Marx    
Dr. John Ruddy
Mr. Matthew Smith
Mr. Brian Snapp
Dr. Jennifer Vasquez
Prof. Elin Woods
Prof. Laura Zagacki
Ms. Geraldine Loveless
Ms. Tracy Muth
Mr. Kevin Curry

This committee is not active at this time

Charge: A temporary subcommittee of the University Planning Committee, the Diversity and  Inclusion Planning Group is charged with the development of a formal, comprehensive five‐year  plan for institutional diversity and inclusion.  This new plan will directly support the University’s  strategic plan and serve as a framework to coordinate and guide diversity and inclusion efforts  across University programs, departments, divisions, committees and taskforces.   To connect current efforts, the leadership and membership for this group will be conjointly  comprised of members of the University Planning Committee, the Council for Diversity and  Inclusion, and other members of the University Community involved or interested in Diversity  and Inclusion work.  The Group will conduct research and review assessment data, including  recommendations from the recent Middle States Self‐Study, Mission Priority Examen, and  Council for Diversity and Inclusion. As part of its work, the Group will recommend an appropriate  and sustainable path for the management of the plan moving forward.

Elizabeth Garcia Co-Chair    Executive Director, OED; Chair,CID; UPC (Co-Chair)
Kathryn Yerkes Co-Chair  Assistant Provost Planning & IE; UPC (Co-Chair)
Dr. William Miller  Assistant Professor, PCPS; UPC
Gina Butler  CAS Dean Office; Staff Senate Representative,UPC
Dr. Michelle Maldonado  Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jose Sanchez  Assisstant Director,  Cross Cultural Center
Dr. Ovi Cocieru  Assistant Professor, KSOM
Shannon Murphy Fennie  Assistant Dean of Students

Charge: To intake and review grant applications, and allocate funds to projects which promote and energize the commitment to diversity, increase and cultural awareness and sensitivity through educational programming, provide the opportunity for inter-cultural engagement as well as expand multicultural experiences for our community.

Jennifer Rose Pennington  Chair  Administrative Assistant, Office of Equity and Diversity
Mr. Jose F. Sanchez Assistant Director Multicultural Center
Elizabeth Garcia Executive Director,  Office of Equity and Diversity
Ozgur Isil, Ph.D. KSOM Faculty, Operations and Analytics
Alejandra Marroquin Community Liaison, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Iordanis Petsas, Ph.D. KSOM Faculty; Department Chair, Economics/Finance/International Business
Ms. Cassondra Siggia Assistant Director, CHEW
Ms. Diana M. Collins Gilmore Deputy Title IX?EEO Coordinator/Investigator
El-Habib Zanzana, Ph.D. CAS Faculty, World Languages and Cultures

Dr. David Dzurec Interim Dean, CAS
Dr. Mark Higgins Dean, KSOM
Dr. Christopher Bauman
Dr. Paul Datti
Dr. Ann Pang-White
Dr. Victoria Castellanos Dean, PCPS

Charge: The Ellacuría Initiative, formerly known as Education for Justice, enables us to reflect on the meaning of justice; makes us aware of injustice in our society and throughout the world, and of efforts being made to remedy injustice; and introduces us to various methods of analysis, so that we may be able to respond.  The Ellacuría Initiative currently works in three areas – (1) our biennial theme, (2) issues of importance to Northeastern Pennsylvania, and (3) other justice-related programming that emerges because of opportunity or unfolding circumstances.


Members: AY 2023-2024
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D.    Director
Christopher Haw, Ph.D.
Ozgur Isil, Ph.D.
Tata Mbugua, Ph.D.
Jessica Nolan, Ph.D.
Cathy Seymour
Mari (Ri) Stephen Student Government
Bille Tadros, Ph.D.
Gretchen Van Dyke, Ph.D.
Lori Walton, Ph.D.
Prof. Donna Witek

Charge: To represent the Faculty Affairs Council in its duty to improve the terms and conditions of employment of the full-time faculty through the process of collective bargaining.

Dr. Stacy Muir Chair
Dr. Jordan Petsas Secretary
Dr. Christos Pargianas   Contract Administrator Officer
Dr. Steven Szydlowski Treasurer
Dr. Michael Jenkins Grievence Officer and Vice-Chair

Charge: The Committee consists of an equal number of representatives of faculty and administration, designed to ensure effective communication between faculty and administration on the delivery of benefits.  The Committee will serve in an advisory role on the effective delivery of benefits, and members will report to their constituencies as determined by each constituency.


Professor Tara Fay
Ms. Bethann McCartney
Dr. Christos Pargianas
Ms. Patricia Tetreault
Dr. Kenneth Zula

Charge: To review and approve proposals for faculty members conducting research or curriculum development work in the summer and intersession terms.

Dr. David Marx Chair
Dr. Christopher Hauser
Dr. Michael Allison
Dr. Yamile Silva
Dr. Rebeccas Spirito Dalgin
Dr. Ovidiu Cocieru
Dr.  Yibai Li
Dr. Jason Graham
Dr. Anne Royer
Dr. Gary Kwiecinski
Dr. Meghan Rich
Dr. Cyrus Olsen
Dr. Brian Snee
Dr. Hengameh Hosseini
Dr. Debra Fetherman
Dr. James Boyle
Dr. Jennifer Vasquez
Dr. Joseph Klobusicky
Dr. Declan Mulhall

Charge: Review the Faculty Handbook section of the Master Agreement

Dr. Michelle Maldonado    Chair
Dr. David Dzurec
Dr. Mark Higgins
Dr. David Marx
Mr. Robert Farrell, Esq.
Dean George Aulisio
Dr. Ovidu Cocieru
Dr. Christie Karpiak
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Dr. Stacey Muir
Dr. Joan Wasiliewski
Dr.Lori Walton
Professor Ian O'Hara
Dr. Christos Pargianas
Dr. Jordan Petsas

Dr. Michelle Maldonado                    Chair
Dr. David Marx
Dr. David Dzurec
Robert Farrell, J.D.
Dean George Auliso
Dr. Mark Higgins
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Ms. Patricia Tetreault
Ms. Elizabeth Garcia

Charge:  Serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Research on issues of research policy and procedures; review and approve applications for internal research funding; review and make recommendations concerning sabbatical proposals; and conduct investigations of scientific misconduct if warranted.

Dr. David Marx Chair
Dr. Duane Armitage
Dr. Paul Datti
Dr. Michael Fennie
Dr. Howard Fisher
Dr. Julie Nastasi
Dr. Ozgur Isil
Dr. Rachel Frissell
Dr. Jennifer Kaschak
Dr. Amanda Marcy
Ms. Kathryn Yerkes*

* ex officio, non-voting


Bryan Burnham, Ph.D. President
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D. Vice-President(President Elect)
Lori Walton, Ph.D. Secretary
Emily Hopkins, Ph.D. Coordinator of Elections


Executive Committee:

Bryan Burnham, Ph.D. Chair
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D.
Lori Walton, Ph.D.
Chritsopher Baumann, Ph.D.
William Miller, Ph.D.
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D.
Emily Hopkins, Ph.D.
Marian Farrell, Ph.D.
Stephen Whittaker, Ph.D. Parliamentarian


Academic Policy Committe(APC):

William Miller, Ph.D. (Chair)
Unit E Senator 
Stephen Whittaker, Ph.D. Unit B Senator
Robert McCloskey, Ph.D. Unit C Senator
Ann Pang-White, Ph.D. Unit D Non-Senator
Rita DiLeo, Ph.D. Unit E Senator
atya Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. Unit F Senator
Prof. Colleen Farry Unit G Non-Senator

Academic Support Committee(ASC):
Christopher Baumann, Ph.D.   Chair   Unit A Senator 
Joe Brague, Ph.D.   Unit A Senator
Joe Kraus, Ph.D.   Unit B Non-Senator
Maria Johnson, Ph.D.   UnitD Non-Senator
Mary Troy, Ph.D.   Unit E Non-Senator
Ovidiu Cocieru, Ph.D.   Unit F Senator
Wesam Alramadeen, Ph.D.   Unit F Senator Alternate

Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee (FSCC):

Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. Chair       Unit H Senator 
Car Krieg, Ph.D. Unit A Senator
Susan Mendez, Ph.D. Unit B Non-Senator
Juan Serna, Ph.D. Unit C Senator
Christopher Hauser, Ph.D. Unit D Senator
William Miller, Ph.D. Unit E Senator
Patricia Wright, Ph.D. Unit E Senator
Amanda Marcy, Ph.D. Unit F Non-Senator
Doug Boyle, DBA Unit F Non-Senator
Prof. Sylvia Orner Unit G Non-Senator
Emily Hopkins, Ph.D. Unit G Senator

Faculty Senate Liasons to University Planning Committee (UPC): 

Bryan Burnham Ph.D. Faculty Senate President
William Miller, Ph.D. PCPS Representative
Jean Harris, Ph.D. CAS Representative
Prof. Pedro Monteiro KSOM Representative


General Education (GE) Review Committee*:

Will Cohen, Ph.D.   Chair; Theology/Religious Studies, or Philosphy Representative
Susan Mendez, Ph.D.   GE Director
Matthew Meyer, Ph.D.   CAS Representative
Prof. Pedro Monterio   KSOM Representative
Prof. Donna Witek   Library Representative
Joseph Pellegrino, Ph.D.   PCPS Representative
Satyajit Ghosh, Ph.D.   OEA Representative
Satya Chattopadhyay, Ph.D.   Business Area Representative
Carol Cote, Ph.D.   Health Sciences Area Representative
Patrick Tully, Ph.D.   Theology/Religious Studies, or Philosophy Representative
Michael Allison, Ph.D.   Social Sciences Area Representative
Prof. John Strain   Social Sciences Area Representative
Roy Domenico, Ph.D.   Humanities Area Representative
Billie Tardos, Ph.D.   Humanities Area Representative
David Ingber, Ph.D.   STEM Area Representative
Joseph Klobusicky, Ph.D.   STEM Area Representative
BJ Cunningham, Ph.D.   Associate Dean PCPS
David Dzurec, Ph.D.   Interim Dean CAS
David Marx, Ph.D.   Associate Provost


Liason Representatives to the Faculty Senate (Non-Voting):

Michelle Maldonado Ph.D. Provost/ Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stacy Muir, Ph.D. (FAC Chair) Faculty Affairs, Council Officer

Faculty Senate Representatives to Board of Trustees Committees:

Michael Friedman , Ph.D.  Education Committee
Jessica Nolan, Ph.D. Enrollment Management 


Faculty Senate Representatives to the University Governance Council (UGC)*

Bryan Burnham, Ph.D. Faculty Senate President
William Miller, Ph.D. APC Chairperson
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. FSCC Chairperson
Chrstopher Baumann, Ph.D.   ASC Chairperson


 Technology Advisory Group (T.A.G.)

Michael Landram, PH.D.    PCPS (Senate Liaison)
Wendy Manetti, Ph.D.    PCPS
Prof. Linda Lewis    PCPS
Prof. Richard O'Hara    KSOM
Michael Azar, Ph.D.    CAS
Jason Graham, Ph.D.    CAS
Lauren Chavez, Ph.D.    PCPS
Ms. Bridget Hunter   CAS Dean's Office
Ms.Deanna Beyrent    IT
Mr. Jason Wimmer    IT
Mr. Brian Snapp    CTE/OSSS
Prof. Ian O'Hara    Library
Prof. Sheli Pratt-McHugh    Library
Simal Sami    Student Representative
Kiran Sharma    Student Representative


Shared Governance and Leadership Committee

Marian Farrell, Ph.D.   Chair    Unit E Senator  
Prof. John Strain Unit B Non-Senator
Rebecca Mikesell, Ph.D. Unit B Non-Senator
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D. Unit B Non-Senator
Murong Xu, Ph.D. Unit C Senator
Michael Azar, Ph.D. Unit D Senator
Dan Haggerty, Ph.D. Unit D Non-Senator
Patricia Wright, Ph.D. Unit E Senator
Hengameh Hosseini, Ph.D. Unit E Non-Senator
Doug Boyle, DBA Unit F Non-Senator
Prof. Richard O'Hara Unit F Non-Senator
Satya Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. UnitF Senator
Prof.Pedro Monterro Unit F Senator
David Mahalak, Ph.D. Unit F Senator
Dr.Josh Reynolds UnitG Non-Senator
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin Unit H Non-Senator
Emily Gerstle, Ph.D. Unit H Senator


Faculty Representatives to the Provost Committee on Academic Policies and Compliance (PCAPC)*

Andrew Venezia, Ph.D.
William Miller, Ph.D.


Faculty Representatives to the Retention Committee

Jerry Muir, Ph.D.  
JoyAnna Hopper, Ph.D.


Conference Committee on the Curriculum (CCC)

Matthew Meyer, Ph.D.  Chair    CAS
Jones DeRitter, Ph.D. CAS
Maria Oreshkina, Ph.D. CAS
Aram Balagyozyan, Ph.D. KSOM
Prof. Marleen Cloutier Library
Mary Troy, Ph.D. PCPS
Will Cohen, Ph.D. GE Review Chair
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. FSCC Chair
David Marx, Ph.D. Associate Provost
Maria Squire, Ph.D. CAS Dean's Office
BJ Cunningham, Ph.D. PCPS Dean's Office
Murli Rajan, Ph.D. KSOM Dean's Office
Prof. Jean Lenville WML Dean's Office


Faculty Representatives tp the Assessment Advisory Committee (AAC)

Marian Farrell, Ph.D.    PCPS/CT-OSSS Representative
Robert Giambatisat, Ph.D. KSOM Representative
Emily Hopkins, Ph.D. CAS Representative
Rebecca Mikesell, Ph.D. CAS Representative
Prof. Donna Witek Library Representative


*No ratification vote needed; committee is stipulated in Senate by-laws or served by specific chairpersons of standing committees.

Charge:  To support faculty travel to professional meetings, workshops and professional development. 

Dr. Michelle Maldonado
Dr. David Marx
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Dr. Mark Higgins
Dean George Aulisio
Dr. David Dzurec

Charge:  The charge of the Advisory Board is to be advisory to the Coordinator of the First Year Seminar on issues related to the FYS and the Ignatian Values in Action Lecture; faculty development in relation to the FYS and the Royal Read; and to recommend to the Provost's Office and President books for the Royal Read and speakers for the IVAL.

Dr. Hank Willenbrink   Director
Dr. Stephen Whittaker
Mary Troy
Gretchen Van Dyke
Kate Cummings

Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Jong-Hyun Son
Dr. Sinchul Back
Dr. Michael Allison
Dr. El-Habib Zanzana

Charge: The charge of the Advisory Group is to be advistory to the Manager of ISSS and the Manager of Study Abroad to ensure that the mandate of the Office of Global Education is achieved and maintained.


David Marx Associate Provost
Kara Bishop Study Abroad Manager
Crystal Cool ISSS Manager
Michael Azar CAS, Faculty Representative
Chandra Nelson PCPS, Faculty Representative
Jeh-Hyun Cho KSOM, Faculty Representative
Michael Knies Library, Faculty Representative
Yamile Silva Program Director, Latin American Studies / Chair, World Languages and Culture
Ann Pang-WHite Program Director, Asian Studies
Daniel Sweeney, S.J.         Faculty Advisor, International Studies


Dr. Michelle Maldonado  Chair
Dr. David Marx
Dr. Douglas Boyle
Dr. James Boyle
Dr. Arthur Catino
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. David Dzurec
Dr. Mark Higgins
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Dr. Mehmet Bastug
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Dr. Hope Baylow
Dr. Yaodong Bi
Dr. Mehmet Bastug
Dr. Carol Cote
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin
Dean George Aulisio
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio
Dr. Marian Farrell
Dr. Renee Hakim
Ms. Caitlin Hollingshead
Dr. Vanessa Jensen
Dr. Hengameh Hosseini
Dr. Joseph Kraus
Dr. Lisa LoBasso
Dr. Wendy Manetti
Dr. William Miller
Dr. Jordan Petsas
Dr. John Ruggy
Dr. Janette Scardillo
Dr. Ashley Stampone
Dr. Steven Szydlowski
Dr. Kevin Wilkerson
Dr. Ben Willis
Ms. Katherine Yerkes

Charge: The Health Professions Evaluation Committee interviews applicants to doctoral-level health professions programs.  Committee members work in teams to interview applicants and, with the Director of Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions Programs, prepare letters of evaluation for each applicant.

Duane S. Armitage, Ph.D.
Timothy J. Cadigan, S.J., Ph.D.
Arthur T. Catino, Ph.D.
Patrick M.Clark, Ph.D.
Ashley M. Driver, Ph.D.
Vincent Farallo, Ph.D.
Michael W. Fennie, Ph.D.
Timothy D. Foley, Ph.D.
Spencer Galen, Ph.D.
Natalie Gilboy, MSN
Chris Hauser, Ph.D.
Gabriela Jakubowska, Ph.D.
Rafeiza Khan, Ph.D.
Wendy Manetti, Ph.D., CRNP
Ronald McKinney, S.J., Ph.D.
Riddhiman Medhi, Ph.D.
Patrick Orr, Ph.D.
David Rusak, Ph.D.
Nicholas Sizemore, Ph.D.
Billie Tadros, Ph.D.
Cristen M. Walker, MS, CRNP

Charge: The Honors Council serves as an advisory body  to the Director of the Honors Program.  It must approve all major changes of policy and procedure.  The Honors Coucil is also responsible for selecting students to participate  in the Honors Program.  This entails meeting with applicants and evaluating them in committee.

Andrew LaZella, Ph.D. Co-Director of Honors Program & Co-Chair of Honors Council (Philosophy)
Jill Warker, Ph.D. Co-Director of Honors Program & Co-Chair of Honors Council (Psychology)
Aram Balagyozyan, Ph.D. Economics, Finance and International Business
Sean Brennan, Ph.D. History
Barbara Buxton, Ph.D., PMH-CNS, RN Nursing
Jeh-Hyun Cho, Ph.D. Accounting
Michael Fennie, Ph.D. Chemistry
Christopher Fremaux, Ph.D. Philosophy
Christopher Howey, Ph.D. Biology
Jerry Muir, Ph.D. Mathematics
Ismail Onat, Ph.D. Sociology/Criminal Justice
Gretchen Van Dyke, Ph.D. Political Science
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. Health and Human Performance
Hank Willenbrink, Ph.D. English & Theatre

Charge:  Establish, implement policies, review & approve all research involving animal subjects conducted at the University or under its sponsorship at another location.  Activities are conducted in accordance w/federal, state, & local regulations.

Gary Kwiecinski, Ph.D. Biology Chair, Admin. 
Duane Armitage, Ph.D. Philosophy
Wayne Beach* Follet Corporation
Christopher Howey, Ph.D. Physiology
Robert Noto, DVM Veterinarian
Marc Seid, Ph.D.## Neuroscience
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. Health & Human Performance
Robert Waldeck, Ph.D.## Neuroscience
Christine Zakzewski, Ph.D. Physics
Michael Baltrusalitis*** Safety Representative, Cocciardi & Assocs.
TBA *** Student Representative
*Community Representative


## Sabbatical, Fall 2023

Charge:  Establish, implement policies, review and approve all research involving recombinant DNA and other biosafety issues as deemed appropriate related to research conducted at the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ or under its sponsorship at another location.  Activities are conducted in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.

Paul Cutrufello, Ph.D. Chair
David Marx, Ph.D.
John A. Arnott, Ph.D.*
Charles Penn *
Michael Baltrusaitis
Rev. Timothy Cadigan, S.J., Ph.D.
Ashley Driver, Ph.D.
Michael Landram, Ph.D.
Deborah Wardach *
*external representataive

Charge:  Establish, implement policies, review and approve all research involving human subjects conducted at the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ or under its sponsorship at another location.  Activities are conducted in accordance with federal state and local regulations concerning safeguarding of the rights and welfare of human participants in all research under its sponsorship.

Bryan Burnham, Ph.D. Chair,  Psychology
Sabine Charles, M.D., Dr. PH Epidemiologist, Lackawanna County
Dr. Carol Cote Occupational Therapy
Marian Farrell, Ph.D. Nursing
William Miller, Ph.D. Health Administration and Human Resources
Joshua Reynolds, Ph.D. Psychology
Andrew Venezia, Ph.D. Health and Human Performance
Kathryn Yerkes Assistant Provost, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness and IRB Administrator
Donald Bergman** Chief of Police
Therese Kurilla** Grants Manager, Research and Sponsored Programs
*Ex offico

Dean's Conference Management Committee

Charge: The role of the Dean's Conference Management Committee is to provide input and suggest revisions to the tactical parts of the strategic plan and review results, review and provide feedback on the work of other committees, and make policy recommendations to Dean. 


Mark Higgins, Chair   Dean
Peter Andersen   Chair, Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Douglas Boyle   Chair, Accounting, PhD. Director
Jordan Petsas   Chair, Economics, Finance and International Business
Murli Rajan   Associate Dean
Nabil Tamimi   Chair, Operations and Analytics


The individuals below only meet with the committee at the first meeting of each semester

Aram Balagyozyan   Director Business Honors Program; Economics, Finance and Internal Business
Tamara Bautista   Passport Program Coordinator
Jim Boyle   Directory MACC Program;  Accounting
Robert Giambatista   Director of Assessment;  Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Lisa Hall-Zielinski   Director, SBDC
Gerry Loveless   Assistant Dean;  Directory Academic Advising Center
David Mahalak   Operations and Analytics
Rob McKeage   Directory, Business Leadership Program; Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Vince Rocco   Program Advisor, Online MBA Program; Operations and Analytics
John Ruddy   Geisinger Program Director;  Economics, Finance and International Business
Jason Schwass   Senior Director of Student Success
Ashley Stampone   Director, On Campus MBA Program;  Accounting


AACSB Committee

Charge: The AACSB Committee will monitor and report on new development in AACSB standards and reporting, manage all data collections, analysis, and reporting for AACSB accreditation maintenance, write and distribute an annual report on accreditation maintenance progress, determine faculty development needs arising from AACSB changes, review strategic plan in compliance with AACSB standards.

Mark Higgins Chair Dean
Peter Andersen Chair, Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Aram Balagyozyan Director, Business Honors Program; Economics, Finance and International    Business
Douglas Boyle Chair, Accounting; Ph.D., Chair
James Boyle Director MACC Program; Accounting
Robert Giambatista Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Robert McKeage Director, Business Leadership Program; Marketing, Management and   Entrepreneurship
Iordanis Petsas Chair, Economics, Finance and International Business
Murli Rajan Associate Dean
Vince Rocco Program Advisor, Online MBA Program
Ashley Stampone Director, MBA On Campus Program
Nabil Tamimi Chair, Operations and Analytics


Assessment Committee

Charge: The Assessment Committee will help identify linkages between KSOM student learning goals and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Goals.  They will propose student learning objectives that flow from student learning goals; suggest, help, develop, and promote a variety of assessment methods; identify academic classes and activities that may be potential assessment environments; review and/or revise rubrics used to assess student learning objectives; determine criteria for success for assessment methods; evaluate data accumulated from assessment activities, determine the degree to which specific student learning objectives are being achieved, and recommend actions that lead to program improvement; monitor the implementation of program improvements.
Robert Giambatista Chair      Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
James Boyle Director MACC Program; Accounting
Ann (Nancy) Cummings Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Satyajit Ghosh Economics, Finance and International Business
Mark Higgins Dean
Ozgur Isil Operations and Analytics
Ioannis Kallianiotis Economics, Finance and International Business
Taewan Kim Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
Linda Mlodzienski Accounting
Richard O'Hara Accounting
Jordan Petsas Chair, Economics, Finance and International Business
Murli Rajan Associate Dean
David Salerno Accounting
Ed Scahill Economics, Finance and International Business
Ashley Stampone Director, MBA On Campus Program



Teaching and Curriculum Committee

Charge: The role of this committee is: based on the results of the benchmarking review of the undergraduate core provide a report to the Dean by December 1st of the next steps; use assessment information to recommend changes to curriculum and programs; review academic policies including those affecting internships and study-abroad programs; organize a teaching seminar each semester; develop a stamen outlining areas of impact and their measurement for Kania School faculty teaching. 

Aram Balagyozyan Faculty Member, Economics, Finance and IB
Hong Nguyen Faculty Member, Economics, Finance and IB
S.P. Chattopadhyay


Chair, Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship
Amanda Marcy Faculty Member, Accounting
James Boyle Faculty Member, Accounting 
Kingsley Gnanendran Faculty Member, Operations and Analytics
Taewan Kim Faculty Member, Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship
Rose Sebastianelli Chair  Faculty Member, Operations and Analytics

Strategic Planning Committee

Charge: The role of the Strategic Planning Groupis to provide input and suggest revisions to the strategic plan and review results and determine the issues (e.g., housing, scheduling, etc.) facing international graduate students and how we can better assist and integrate into the fabric of KSOM.

Mark Higgins Chair Dean
Peter Andersen Chair, Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Douglas Boyle Chair, Accounting; DBA Chair
Ahmed Gomaa Operations & Analytics
Andrew Gregorowicz Accounting
Taewan Kim Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship
Murli Rajan Associate Dean
Vincent Rocco MBA Online Program Advisor;  Operations & Analytics
John Ruddy Geisinger Program Director; Economics, Finance & IB
Jordan Petsas Chair, Economics, Finance & Internation Business
David Salerno Accounting
Jason Schwass Senior Director of Student Success
Ashley Stampone Director, On Campus MBA Program; Accounting
Nabil Tamimi Chair, Operations & Analytics


Dean's Advisory Group

Charge: The role of the Dean's Advisory Group is to provide guidance to the Dean on the strategic direction of KSOM, provide guidance to the Dean on curriculum and programmatic changes, provide guidance to the Dean with respect to t to KSOM policies, and provide guidance to the Dean with respect to university policies that impact KSOM.

Mark Higgins  Chair Dean
Murli Rajan Associate Dean
Peter Andersen Chair, Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Douglas Boyle Chair, Accounting; Ph.D. Chair
Iordanis Petsas Chair, Economics, Finance and IB
Nabil Tamimi Chair, Operations & Analytics


KSOM Award for Teaching and Research Excellence Committee

Charge: The role of the KSOM Faculty Awards for Excellence Committee is to select the recipient for the KSOM Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship ; and select the recipient for the KSOM FAculty Award for Excellence in Teaching .

Kingsley Gnanendran   Chair Operations & Analytics 
Hong Nguyen Economics, Finance & IB
Daniel Mahoney Accounting
Taewan Kim Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Ozgur Isil Operations & Analytics


KSOM Award for Staff Excellence Committee

Charge: The role of the KSOM Award for Staff Excellence Committee is to select the recipient for the KSOM Staff Excellence Award..

Murli Rajan Chair Associate Dean
Jinghan Cai Economics, Finance & IB
S.P. Chattopadhyay Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship
David Mahalak Operations & Analytics
Amanda Marcy Accounting


Faculty Research Committee

Charge: The role of the Faculty Research Committee is to determine KSOM resource needs to support scholarship, provide appropriate and necessary resources to support the advancement of scholarship such as databases and facilities-specifically a database related to climate change, develop a statement outlining areas of impact and their measurement for Kania School faculty scholarship, organize scholarly seminars each semester, determine procedures for faculty awards in area of scholarship, and channel faculty concerns and make recommendations to Dean on continuously improving KSOM scholarship.

Aram Balagyozyan Director, Business Honors Program; Economics, Finance & IB
Jinghan Cai Economics, Finance & International Business
S.P. Chattopadhyay Marketing, Management, & Entrepreneurship
Jeh-Hyun Cho Accounting
Ovidiu Cocieru Marketing, Management, & Entrepreneurship
Yibai Li Operations & Analytics
Amanda Marcy Accounting
Christos Pargianas, Chair Economics, Finance & International Business
Ziqian Song Operations & Analytics


Latin American Studies Steering Committee Members:Charge: The Steering Committee serves as the day-to-day decision-making body in the Program, covering instruction, research, special events, outreach, development, and appointment processes for Associate, Affiliated, Adjunct, and Visiting Faculty.

Dr. Michael Allison
Dr. Susan Mendez   
Dr. Yamile Silva   
Dr. Roxana Curiel
Dr. Janice Voltzow


Women's and Gender Studies Steering Committee Members:Charge: The Steering Committee serves as the day-to-day decision-making body in the Program, covering instruction, research, special events, outreach, development, and appointment processes for Associate, Affiliated, Adjunct, and Visiting Faculty.

Dr. Yamile Silva  
Dr. Megan Rich  
Dr. Billie Tadros

Library Advisory Committee


Charge: The Library Advisory Committee is an advisory group to Charles Kratz, the Dean of the Library, and meets twice each semester to provide input and responses to the programs and activities of the Library.

Representative Department
Linda Mlodzienski Accounting
Jong-Hyun Son Biology
Michael Fennie Chemistry
Kimberly Pavlick Communication
Robert McCloskey Computing Science
Lori Bruch Counseling & Human Services
Ben Willis Counseling & Human Services
Christos Pargianas Economics/Finance
Jennifer Kaschak Education
Bonnie Markowski English and Theatre
Michael Landram Exercise Science and Sport
Terri Feeman-Smith Health Administration/Human Resources
William Miller Health Administration/Human Resources
Chris Gillett History
Roxana Ariadne Curiel Latin American and Latinx Studies/Women's and Gender Studies
George Aulisio Library
Marleen Cloutier Library
Kate Cummings Library
Sylvia Orner Library
Colleen Farry Library
Sharon Finnerty Library
Michael Knies Library
Jean Lenville Library
Sheli Pratt-McHugh Library
Ian O'Hara Library
Donna Witek Library
Elin Woods Library
John Zych Management/Marketing/Entrepreneurship
Jakub Jasinski Mathematics
Masood Otarod Mathematics
Marian Farrell Nursing                         
Wendy Manetti Nursing
Deborah Budash Occupational Therapy
Yibai Li Operations & Analytics
Chris Fremaux Philosophy
Tracey Collins Physical Therapy
Argyrios Varonides Physics/EE
Joyanna Hopper Political Science
Anthony Betancourt Psychology
Jason Shrive, Esq. Sociology/Criminal Justice
Amanda Campbell Student
Nathan Lefler Theology/Religious Studies

This committee is not active at this time

Charge:  Oversees the curricular and programmatic development of the Neuroscience major.  Members are chosen based upon their interests in the program and willingness to serve.  New members are added through current committee consensus.

Dr. Robert Waldeck Program Director
Dr. Yaodong Bi
Dr. Joe C. Brague
Dr. Bryan Burnham
Dr. Ashley Driver
Dr. Jason Graham
Dr. Christie P. Karpiak
Dr.Joseph Klobusicky
Dr. Gary Kwiecinski
Dr. Patrick Orr
Dr. Marc Seid
Dr. Jong-Hyou Son
Dr. Andrew Venezia
Dr. Jill Warker

PCPS Dean's Conference

Charge: To consult with the Dean in the discharge of his/her responsibilities concerning the development and improvement of the programs of study within the school or college.

Dr. Victoria Castellanos   Chair
Dr. Hope Baylow Undergraduate Communication Sciences & Disorders and Gradate Speech-Language Pathology
Dr. Lori Bruch Chair, Counseling & Human Services
Dr. Teresa Conte Chair, Nursing
Dr. Carol Cote Chair, Occupational Therapy
Dr. Ann Culp Nurse Anesthesia Program Administrator
Dr. BJ Cunningham Associate Dean
Mr. Kevin Curry PCPS Academic Services
Dr. Paul Cutrufello Chair, Health & Human Performance
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin Graduate Clinical Rehabiliation Counseling
Dr. Paul Datti Undergraduate Counseling
Ms. Cheryil Demkosky Director, PCPS Laboratories
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio Graduate Nursing Program Director
Dr. Marian Farrell Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program Director
Dr. Debra Fetherman Undergraduate Health Promotion
Dr. Renee Hakim Chair, Physical Therapy
Ms. Meg Hambrose ex-officio Advancement
Dr. Hengameh Hosseini Graduate Health Administration, Co-Director
Dr. Vanessa Jensen Graduate Applied Behavior Analysis
Dr. Wendy Manetti Family Nurse Practitioner Program Director
Ms. Tammy Manka PCPS Graduate Academic Services
Dr. Tata Mbugua Undergraduate Education
Dr. William Miller Health Informatics, Program Coordinator
Ms. Lori Moran ex-officio Career Development
Professor Ian O'Hara ex-officio Weinberg Memorial Library
Mr. Ray Schwenk PCPS Dean's Office
Dr. Robert Spinellia Undergraduate Health Administration
Dr. Steven Szydlowski Chair, Health Administration & Human Resources
Dr. Cristen Walker Undergraduate  Program Director
Dr. Kevin Wilkerson Graduate School Counseling, Interim Program Director
Dr. Ben Willis Graduate Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Director
Dr. Ken Zula Online Graduate Human Resources Management and Undergraduate Human Resources Studies


PCPS Field Coordinators'  and Clinical Internship Committee

Charge:  Integrate academic goals for each program in PCPS.  This committee develops collaborative initiatives and discusses issues concerning site-based partners, policies and procedures relevant to PCPS departments in field placement and clinical sites including legal issues, clearances, etc.

Dr. Victoria Castellanos Co-Chair Dean
Mr. David Angeloni Co-Chair Office of Field Placement 
Ms. Geri Barber Counseling & Human Services
Dr. Hope Baylow Undergraduate Communication Sciences & Disorders and Graduate Speech-Language Pathology
Dr. Jessica Brennan Occupational Therapy
Ms. Tara Carito Health and Human Performance
Mr. Kevin Curry PCPS Academic Services
Dr. Paul Cutrufello Health and Human Performance
Dr. Paul Datti Counseling & Human Services
Dr. Marian Farrell Nursing
Dr. Debra Fetherman Health & Human Performance
Dr. Courtney Lancia Occupational Therapy
Dr. Dana Maida Physical Therapy
Dr. Wendy Manetti Nursing
Dr. William Miller Health Informatics
Dr. Tracy Murray Nurse Anesthesia
Dr. Janette Scardillo Physical Therapy
Dr. Amy Szydlowski Health Administration & Human Resources
Dr.Michelle Van Pelt Nursing
Prof. John Wiercinski Health Administration & Human Resources
Dr. Ken Zula Health Administration & Human Resources


PCPS Program Directors

Charge: Analyze the activities and function for undergraduate and graduate PCPS Program Directors.  Revise the job description goals and define specific outcomes for these positions.

Dr. Victoria Castellanos Co-Chair Dean
Dr. Hope Baylow Undergraduate Communication Sciences & Disorders and Graudate Speech-Language Patholoty
Dr. Carol Cote Undergraduate/Graduate Occupational Therapy
Dr. Ann Culp  Nurse Anesthesia Program Administrator
Dr. Paul Cutrufello Undergraduate Kinesiology
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin Graduate Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling 
Dr. Paul Datti Undergraduate Counseling & Human Services
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio Graduate Nursing Program
Dr. Marian Farrell Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program Director
Dr. Debra Fetherman Undergraduate Health Promotion 
Dr. Renee Hakim Chair/Program Director - Physical Therapy 
Dr. Hengameh Hosseini Graduate Health Administration,  Program Director
Dr. Vanessa Jensen Graduate Applied Behavior Analysis Program Director
Dr. Wendy Manetti Family Nurse Practitioner Program Director
Dr. William Miller Health Informatics, Program Coordinator
Dr. Robert Spinelli Undergraduate Health Administration Program Director
Dr. Steven Szydlowski Chair/Spring 2024, Online MHA Program Director - Health Administration & Human Resources
Dr.Criten Walker Undergraduate Nursing Program Director
Dr. Kevin Wilkerson Graduate School Counseling, Interim Program Director
Dr. Ben Willis Graduate Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Program Director
Dr. Ken Zulla Online Graduate Human Resources Management and Undergraduate Human Resources Studies


 PCPS Curriculum Assessment Committee

Charge:  The charge of the committee is to conduct careful and systematic evaluations of course proposals, degree programs, and course syllabi to ensure high quality, academically rigorous learning experiences for all PCPS students.

Dr. BJ Cunningham  Facilitator
Mr. Kevin Curry (Non-Voting Member)
Dr. Hope Baylow Health & Human Performance
Dr. Tracey Collins Physical Therapy
Dr. Andrew Venezia FSCC Chair
Dr. Ann Feeney Nursing
Dr. Hengameh Hosseini HA/HR
Dr. Vanessa Jensen Office of Educational Assessment
Dr. William Miller FSCC Representative
Dr. Cristen Walker Nursing
Dr. Julie Nastasi Occupational Therapy 
Dr. Robert Spinelli HA/HR

PCPS First-Year T.A.P.E.S.T.R.Y. Advisory Committee

Charge:  Advisory Committee to form first-year college programming for TAPESTRY, providing education shaped by the service of faith and the promotion of justice, and emphasizing the development of adult faith and the implementation of the four-year professional development plan of  TAPESTRY.

Mr. Kevin Curry
Dr. Michael Landram
Dr. Victoria Castellanos PCPS Dean's Office
Dr. Debra Fetherman Health Promotion
Ms. Kristi Klein PCPS Dean's Office
Dr. Christiane McDonald CSSD/SLP
Prof. Natalie Gilboy Nursing
Mr. Ray Schwenk Ex-officio PCPS Dean's office
Dr. Robert Spinelli Health Administration & Human Resources
Dr. Mary Troy Counseling & Human Services
Dr. Patricia Wisniewski Occupational Therapy
Dr. Ken Zula Health Administration & Human Services

PCPS Graduate Policy Committee

Charge: To propose new graduate policies and revisions for existing graduate policies

Dr. BJ Cunningham,  Chair
Ms. Tammy Manka
Dr. Hope Baylow Undergraduate Communication Sciences & Disorders and Graduate Speech-Language Pathology
Dr. Carol Cote Occupational Therapy
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin Counseling & Human Services Program Director
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio Graduate Nursing Program Director
Dr. Wendy Manetti Family Nurse Practitioner Program Director
Dr. Janette Scardillo Physical Therapy
Dr. Steve Szydlowski Health Administration & Human Resources




Mary Kay Aston
Goerge Aulisio
Victoria Castellanos
David Dzurec
Mark Higgins
Caitlin Hollingshead
Kelly Lewis
Lisa LoBasso
Michelle Maldonado
David Marx
Meghan Nowakowski
Ed Steinmetz
Kathryn Yerkes
Shannon Zottola

Charge: To assist the Provost in reviewing applicants and nominations for the Provost's Awards for Faculty Enhancement

Dr. David Marx Chair
Prof. Donna Witek
Dr. Amanda Marcy
Dr. Rebecca Dalgin

Charge: Makes recommendations to the Provost on academic policies and programs.


Dr. Michelle Maldonado       Chair
Dr. David Marx
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. David Dzurec
Ms. Caitlyn Hollingshead
Dean George Aulisio
Ms. Lisa LoBasso
Dr. William Miller
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Dr. Mark Higgins
Ms. Kathryn Yerkes
Dr. Andrew Venezia
Ms. Elizabeth Garcia

Charge: The purpose of the Retention Committee shall be to examine current retention practices, identify the variables that impact retention at the University, and recommed appropriate strategies and tactics to the Strategic Enrollment Planning Team and the Provost's Council for action immediately and over time to improve retention.  To this end, the committee is responsible for:

  • Compiling and analyzing comprehensive data concerning student enrollment, student progress and student retention;
  • exploring factors affecting student academic persistence and recommending strategies for maximizing student success;
  • examining existing and ongoing institutional research on student engagement and student satisfaction to determine areas of strength and concern that impact enrollment;
  • assessing of the impact of policies relating to and affecting student registration and student  progress to degree;
  • monitoring progress toward approved enrollment and retention goals.


Dr. Michelle Maldonado             Co-Chair
Dr. David Marx                             Co-Chair
Mrs. Shannon Zottolla
Mrs. Mary Kay Aston
Mr. Joseph Roback
Ms. Meghan Nowakowski
Ms. Geraldine Loveless
Mr. Richard Walsh
Ms. Shannon Murphy-Fennie
Dr. Victoria Castellanos
Mr. Adam Szydlowski
Dr. Murli Rajan
Ms. Mary Ellen Pichiarello
Mr. Kevin Curry
Ms. Christine Falbo
Dr. Maria Squire
Dr. Jerry Muir
Dr. JoyAnna Hopper
Robert Hensley
Deirdre Currie
Ariel Tucci
Tracy Muth
Matthew Smith
Stanton Estwick

This Committee is not active at this time.

The most up-to-date information can be found on the Staff Senate Website, or

Mark Murphy President
Kristi Klein President-Elect
Traci Vennie Vice President
Kym Fetsko Parliamentarian
Traci Vennie Secretary


Brenda Amato
Gerianne Barber 
Shawn  Beistline
Amy Black
Brenda Clarke
Peggy Doolittle
Melissa Eckenrode
Kym Fetsko
Lori Flynn
Melisa Gallo
Lucia Grissinger
Meg Hambrose
Rose Ann Jubinski
Kristi Klien
Jonathan Kirby
Bernard Krzan
Denise Kuzma
Tammy Manka
Mark Murphy
Meghan Nowakowski
Pete Sakowski
Patricia Savitts
Janet Schieber
Daniela Teneva
Traci Vennie
Bridget Conlogue
Grismeiris De Jesus
Rebecca Dzikowski
Autumn Forgione
Sybil Keris
Andrea Malia
Staff Senate Committee
Executive Committee
Charge: The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, President-elect, Secretary, Paliamentarian, and Chairpersons of the standing committees.  At least one representative from each constituency is included on the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee is convened by the President when the advice of the Staff Senate is requested in the interim between regular meetings of the full Staff Senate.  The committee provides advice to the President on issues before the Staff Senate.
Mark Murphy, Chair           
Shawn Beistline
Rose Ann Jubinski
Kristi Klien
Melissa Eckenrode
Kym Fetsko
Melissa Gallo
Traci Vennie
Gerianne Barber
Andrea Malia
Lucy Grissinger
Meg Hambrose
Denise Kuzma
Communications Committee
Charge: The Communications Committee will improve university wide communication by updating the Staff Senate website and promoting awareness of this website; revisit existing procedures and modify where needed, compose Staff Senate newsletters and distribue to the university staff; plan and conduct communication symposia;and utilize social media for promoting Staff Senate programs.
Melisa Gall, Co-Chair
Denise Kuzma, Co-Chair
Amy Black
Sybil Keris
Tammy Namka
Election & Membership Committee
Charge: The Election and Membership Committee will fill vacancies on university committees, coordinate Staff Senate elections, and the annual Meet & Greet
Kristi Klien, Co-Chair
Rose Ann Jubinski, Co-Chair
Shawn Beistline, Co-Chair
Patricia Savitts
Peter Sakowski
Staff Development Committee
Charge: The Staff Development Committee will work to ensure the awareness and availability of opportunities for staff that will assist in their personal and professional development. The Staff Development Committee will strive to enhance knowledge and skills with high-quality, accessible training and professional development opportunities to support the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ's vision and mission.  The Committee's goal is to utilize the talent and potential of our University Community in a way that informs, educates, and encourage others to reach their personal and professional goals. 
Meg Hambrose, Co-Chair
Geri Barber, Co-Chair
Brenda Clarke
Peter Sakowski
Tracie Vennie

Social Events & Community Building Committee

Charge: The Social Events and Community Building Committee will provide building opportunities among staff with a "welcoming session" for new employees at the beginning of the fall semester, establish a system for contributing money to charities, organize food drives, identify other activities, and review roundtable discussion procedures.  
Melissa Eckenrode, Co-Chair                      
Lucy Grissinger, Co-Chair
Lori Flynn
Autumn Forgione
Kristi Klein
Meghan Nowakowski
Daniela Teneva
Traci Vennie
Staff Recognition & Excellence Awards Committee
Charge: The Staff Recognition and Excellence Committee will provide equitable recognition of staff members through the Sursum Corda Award, acknowledge staff who have completed degrees, coordinate monthly Spirit Awards, explore new ways of recognizing staff, review current procedures, and coordinate Annual Awards Luncheon.
Kym Fetsko - Co-Chair
Bridget Conlogue
Grismeiris De Jesus
Peggy Doolittle
Meg Hambrose
Bernie Krzan
Andrea Malia
Sandina Meo
Finance Committee
Charge: The Finance Committee shall use university funding wisely
Traci Vennie, Chair                       
Pat Savitts
Pete Sakowski
Patricia Savitts

This committee is presently inactive

Charge:  The ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Technology Advisory Group, a subcommittee of the Faculty Senate's Academic Support committee, is composed of individuals interested in the advancement, promotion, and propagation of educationally appropriate technology.  We aim to be a conduit which facilitates communication and compromise between faculty needs and the capabilities of our infrastructure.  We intend to make recommendations and investigate solutions to technology issues facing our faculty.  We will explore up-and-coming technology products, evaluate those products in their usefulness to our faculty, and strive to place our university at the cutting edge of capability and productivity.  We will solicit feedback from faculty and address as many individual needs as possible.


Laura Chavez PCPS
Michael Landram PCPS  
Linda Lewis PCPS  
Wendy Manetti PCPS
Richard O'Hara KSOM
Michael Azar CAS   
Jason Graham CAS
Bridget Hunter CAS Dean's Office
Ian O'Hara Library
Carl Hurst IT
Deanna Beyrent IT
Jason Wimmer IT
Simal Sami Student Representative

Charge:  In May 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released regulations related to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 with a legal mandate that they be implemented by August 14, 2020. The Title IX Workgroup, which includes a cross section of faculty, staff and students at the University, is tasked to work with the Office of Equity and Diversity in updating the University’s Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy to comply with the regulation.

 The Title IX/SHSM Workgroup

  • researches legal compliance standards and best practices
  • offers recommendations for policies and reporting procedures
  • coordinates resources to support students and employees on and off campus
  • raises awareness of issues related to gender based harassment and violence through drafting printed materials and participating in special events
Elizabeth M. Garcia  Title IX Coordinator
Gerianne Barber  Staff Senate Representataive, Director, Counselor Training Center
Diana Collins  Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Marian Farrell Faculty Representataive, Nursing
Brian Loughney Human Resources Manager

Membership 2023-2024

Charge: , The University Governance Council (the Council) plays an important role in governance at The ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ.  Comprised of the leadership of each of the three representative senates, or their designates, the Council serves as a coordinating structure to review institutional policies, sending its recommendations to the President's Cabinet the chief policy and decision-making body of the University.  The UGC is convened by the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The Convener serves as the the UGC's administrative liasion** to the President's Cabinet, charged to carry the Council's feedback and recommendations to the Cabinet, and likewise conveying information from the Cabinet to the Council.  The Assistant Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness provides administrative support for governance and policy activities. 

In addition to institutional policy duties, the UGC also provides an important communication link between administration and representative governing bodies. It also provides a forum for the three governing bodies - Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government - to have the opportunity to discuss other University issues and senate/constituent initiatives with one another. 

Dr. Michelle Maldonado Provost & Senior VP Academic Affairs; Convener & UGC Liason to President's Cabinet
Mr. Joseph Agnone Student Government
Dr. Christopher Baumann Faculty Senate
Dr. Bryan Burnham Faculty Senate*
Mr. Brian Castrogiovanni Student Government
Ms. Kym Fetsko Staff Senate
Ms. Kristi Klein Staff Senate
Dr. William Miller Faculty Senate
Mr. Mark Murphy Staff Senate*
Mr. Buse Onat Student Government
Ms. Karla Schaffer Student Government*
Dr. Andrew Venezia Faculty Senate
Ms. Tracie Vennie Staff Senate
Ms. Kate Yerkes Governance Support, Assistant Provost, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

* indicates individual is president/chair of their respective senate

** Each senate has an administrative liasion to the Cabinet for non-policy issues.  For the Faculty Senate, this is the Provost/Senior VP for Academic Affairs; for Student Government, the Vice President for Student Life; for Staff Senate, the Vice President for Human Resources. 

Charge and Membership: 2023-2024

Charge: The University Planning Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Under the broader Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Model, the UPC provides leadership for the development of each University strategic plan and serves as a steering committeee for plan implementation.  In this capacity, the UPC recommends annual planning priorities and affirms related annual planning and institutional effectiveness assessment activities.  The UPC monitors progress of the plan's initiatives and advises on updates and adjustments to its supporting objectives.  In support of integrated planning, the UPC also considers, endorses, and makes recommendations related to other significant planning initiatives, including the links between planning and other administrative functions. 

UPC Membership:

Chair: Dr. Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Bryan Burnham, President, Faculty Senate

Brigid Carlin, Student Government

Dr. Daniel Cosacchi, Vice President for Mission and Ministry

Dr. Robert Davis, Vice President for University Advancement

Elizabeth Garcia, Special Assistant to the President and Executive Director, Equity and Diversity

Dr. Jean Harris, CAS Faculty Representative

Kristi Klien, Coordinator, PCPS Academic Affairs

Dr. William Miller, PCPS Faculty Representative

Dr. Pedro Monteiro, KSOM Faculty Representative

Mark Murphy, President, Staff Senate

Lauren Rivera, Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students

Edward Steinmetz, Senior Vice President Finance and Administration

Maria Stephen, Vice President, Student Government

Patricia Tetreault, Vice President for Human Resources

Kate Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Gerry Zaboski, Senior Vice President for the Office of the President

Shannon Zottola, Vice President for Enrollment Management         

Charge: The University Review Board is comprised of faculty, staff and students who are trained to and tasked with hearing alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct.                                                                                                                        

Faculty Members:

Bryan Burnham
Barbara Buxton
Gina Butler
Marzia Caporale
Tracey Collins
Teresa Conte
BJ Cunningham
Mary (Mimi) Kovaleski
Lisa Lesneski
Linda Lewis
Lisa LoBasso
Gregory O'Connell
Jennifer Vasquez
Janice Voltzow

Charge:  The Student Veterans' Advocacy Committee is an advisory group comprised of faculty and staff who identify as veterans and/or who are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for veterans at the University.  The group convenes as needed to share suggestions, ideas, and insight with the Advisor of the Student Veteran's Organization. 

Ms. Bridget Chomko  Directof of Annual Giving
Prof. Michael Costello, J.D.  Faculty, Health Administration
Rev. James F. Duffy, S.J., M.D. Campion Hall Rector
Professor Kurt Eisele Faculty, Adjunct
Susan Elczyna, CRNA, Ph.D.  Faculty, Nurse Anesthesia
Teresa Grettano, Ph.D. Faculty, English
Bob Liskowicz, PsyD. Clinical Manager, Counseling Center
Prof. Paul Pearson Faculty Specialist, Physics and Engineering 
Mr. Jason Schwass Senior Director of Student Success, KSOM
Daniel R. Sweeney, S.J., Ph.D. Faculty, Political Science
Major Jason Wenger Professor of Military Science

Charge: To bring knowledge of Jewish history, culture, and thought to the University and wider community.
Dr. Marc Shapiro
Dr. Michael Azar
Dr. Joseph Kraus
Dr. Meghan R

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